Hello Everyone who knows me. This is a little weird, I always figured that blogs were for girls but I've recently met several men that have blogs and It kind of made me excited for a way to express the feeling that you get while going through life. It's a lot easier for me to express myself through writing than talking for whatever reason that is. Especially considering that fact that I am one of the worst writers of all time, just ask my mom she will confirm everything, if you can't figure it out by following my blog.
I've added this picture simply for future reference. So in the years to come I can look back and see how dumb I look. I would like to point out that I do have facial hair pretty much for the first time ever, and i've gotten several compliments on it, much to my surprise. I will also draw your attention to the "wings" (hair flowing outward from behind my ears), i've been working on growing out my hair long enough to do that for several months. Well I think that will do for my first ever blog.